• 37 African nations, US kickoff AACS 2023 in Senegal

    The Senegalese Air Force, along with the Association of African Air Forces sponsored by U.S. Air Forces Africa, officially kicked off the 12th annual African Air Chiefs Symposium with an opening ceremony, Feb. 28, in Dakar.

  • USAFE celebrates 80th anniversary

    The U.S. Air Forces in Europe 80th Anniversary Ball was held at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, April 8, 2022, commemorating 80 years of successful combat and peacekeeping operations, responses to natural disasters and epidemics, aid to victims of civil unrest, and providing a safe haven to those in

  • USAFE completes CJADC2 demonstration

    U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, in conjunction with the Department of the Air Force’s Chief Architect’s Office, conducted a Combined, Joint All-Domain Command and Control demonstration in international waters and airspace in and around the Baltic Sea. Participation included assets from

  • USAFE provides C-130J transport support to Italy

    The mission is the first in a planned series of U.S. Air Forces in Europe mobility support operations to Italy and helped redistribute more than 15,000 kilograms of COVID-19 relief supplies, including KN-95 masks, surgical gowns and COVID-19 test kits between Italian distribution hubs.

  • 37 African nations, US kickoff AACS 2023 in Senegal

    The Senegalese Air Force, along with the Association of African Air Forces sponsored by U.S. Air Forces Africa, officially kicked off the 12th annual African Air Chiefs Symposium with an opening ceremony, Feb. 28, in Dakar.